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Be a C.H.E.E.R. Leader

parents cheer for their kids
I was working a basketball camp one summer and was asked to ref a 3 on 3 tournament. One thing about refs is they don’t always get the call right. I definitely missed a call or two and was greeted by screams of displeasure from a few parents letting me know just how inept of a ref I was. Was I coaching the NBA Finals? Nope, just a group of 4th grade kids in a meaningless summer game with a participation medal on the line. Unfortunately, stories like this are more the norm, then rare occurrences.
We spend a lot of time video recording our kid’s games, but what if the camera was flipped into a selfie video of the way you cheered your kid on? What would you think of the way you supported your youth in the aftermath of the game or better yet what does your youth think of the way you cheer them on?
Here’s a simple formula to C.H.E.E.R. them on:
C. Consistency-Be that parent that makes the time to attend the game. We have so many things competing for our time, but our kids should trump the things that can wait. Your kids will always remember you for being there. Just being there does more for them, then how loud you yell.
H. Handle– Be able to keep your composure in the stands. Our youth have enough pressures to deal with then listening to their parents scream and yell at the refs or even criticize coaches or teammates. You are a role model to your youth, so show respect for the game.
E. Encourage– It’s ok to be loud when doing it the right way. Clap, cheer, and be enthusiastic in a positive manner. Not only can you support your child, but the team as well. Let your child know the things that they are doing well in the game. Give them specific positive feedback.
E. Empathize– Be there for them through the highs AND lows. There are many moments of defeat in sports, so help your child learn from defeat, grow and continue to have strong self-esteem.
R. Relish– Embrace every moment you have supporting your youth in athletics. Do whatever you can to be involved in making it the best experience for your child. Let’s not be the reason that our youth are losing the drive to continue to play sports.
Check out my related blogpost Can we just have fun?photo credit: USAG-Humphreys <a href=”“>Soccer – Army Youth Sports and Fitness – CYSS – Camp Humphreys, South Korea – 111001</a> via <a href=”“>photopin</a> <a href=”“>(license)</a>

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