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Depression and the Power of Maybe

simple way to help with depression

You know those moments when your kids come to you for something they want, but you don’t want them to have it, but know that if you tell them no, it’s going to lead to a battle that you don’t want to engage in. So what do you say? Maybe, I’ll let you have that ice cream later honey or maybe, I’ll take you to Disneyland tomorrow. When in reality, you’re really saying please forgot about now, and hopefully you continue to forget about it in the future.

I’ve always disliked the word maybe. It’s so wishy washy. It has always seemed to be a word of indecision and indecision leads to lack of follow through.

Depression is real and no one is immune to it. Some are more predisposed to it than others, but we all have moments in our lives when depression can grip us. I know I’ve had times when the dark clouds of depression have crept in. In those moments, I’ve felt paralyzed from negative thoughts of self-worth and feelings of being alone. Depression can hit you to the core and be physically, mentally, and emotional painful. The last thing that you want to hear is “just be positive”, like you can instantly do a mental 360. This is where maybe can have some power and its vocabulary moment.

When swallowed up by depressive thoughts, we may not be able to believe all the positive affirmations like we love ourselves or we can do anything, but we can believe in maybe.

Maybe I can get out of bed today
Maybe I can smile just once today
Maybe I can talk to one person
Maybe I did better than I thought at school
Maybe I have one good quality about myself

When we start seeing the power of maybe, it won’t instantly turn our lives around, but it will begin to instill hope, which can lead to a small step forward, which can lead to another and another, until we are back in a better place.

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