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Simple Life Lessons From a Swallowtail Butterfly

transformation and life perspective

One day, I noticed something had been eating the leaves of one of my citrus trees, and upon further examination, found the culprit.

It was a caterpillar that almost appeared to be a bird dropping.

My kids quickly found their butterfly cage, put some sticks and leaves in it along with the caterpillar.

The caterpillar was pretty ugly looking, with a snake head like appearance.

After a few days the caterpillar went into its cocoon to be forgotten for a few weeks.

I was out in the yard early one morning watering the garden, feeling a little down on myself.

I had made some steps towards my goals, but was frustrated that things weren’t happening as quickly as I’d like, and I was starting to doubt myself.

I happened to look down at the butterfly cage and was greeted by something looking back at me.

It was wonderful, with magnificent black and yellow spotted wings.

A giant swallowtail butterfly.

I had this burst of excitement that almost brought me to tears. I had to re-check my man card shortly thereafter.

All I could think about was how excited my kids would be to see that butterfly and what joy that brought me.

I know it’s cliché to discuss the transformation of a butterfly in comparison to the transformation of our lives, but in that moment, I was reminded that I was still fixated on what external circumstances were doing for me, rather than looking at the transformation going on within me.

We can accomplish everything we set out to do, but if we aren’t enjoying the journey or becoming who we want to become, everything we achieve will become hollow.

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