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It’s Time to Teach Our Kids How to Set Goals for Success

how to help kids set goals

We all have dreams, whether big or small, and goals can help us bring our dreams into reality. I really like the saying, “The wind will blow the way it’s going to blow, so set a better sail.” If we allow our kids to wander aimlessly, then how can we expect successful results. Teaching our kids how to incorporate goals early on in life, will help set them up for future success.

When is the right time to teach our kids about goals

I believe this is up for debate and ultimately up to the parents to decide when their child is ready. We can start helping our kids learn about contributing to the family and helping out with small tasks at around age 2. Doing this will help them to start to understand the concepts of doing small things that contribute to a bigger thing. At this young age, kids are starting to learn creativity, and we can help foster this ability to dream, which will help them when it’s time to set goals. I think that around school age is a good time to really start helping your kids learn about goals. Of course, you can start at any age, you will most likely find that now is the time.

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What are some ideas for goals for kids?

Discuss with your kids what they are interested in and what gets them excited about life. Living a balanced life is key for adult wellness, so why not focus on balance for kids as well. Some of the major life domains for kids could include:

  • Health– Are your kids getting enough physical activity? Are they eating the right kinds of foods? Are they getting routine medical/dental check-ups?
  • Education– Kids could focus on reading a certain number of books over a period of time. Maybe they want to improve their grades or learn something new.
  • Behavioral– Helping your kids to set goals to share more or get along better with siblings will help them build self-esteem.
  • Financial– Giving them a way to earn money and helping them identify something to save up for is a good way to teach them financial goals.
  • Social– A good social goal could be to introduce themselves to somebody new or coordinate play dates.

How do we teach our kids about goal setting?

We know the value of goal setting, but our kids probably don’t think too much about it. I like to define a goal as something we want to accomplish in life and how we are going to accomplish it. Take the time to help your kids understand what a goal is and how goals have enriched your life. Discuss with them the dreams they have and the ways they have thought about accomplishing their dreams. These are some great tips on goal setting to utilize with your kids:
Something they want– We can have the best ideas in the world for our kids and what we want them to do, but if they don’t care about it, they won’t be motivated to accomplish it. We can help them brainstorm, but ideally they should be developing things that they are passionate about.

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Obtainable– You want them to set goals that make them grow, but that they can achieve. I believe that anything is possible, but to say that your 10 year old is going to earn a million dollars in a month is probably unrealistic. Helping them set obtainable goals will keep them from getting too discouraged when things get challenging. They can always readjust or work towards a larger goal by completing smaller goals.
Write them down– There is something about writing your goals that help to ingrain them in your mind and make them seem more official when on paper.
Measurable– Just stating that I want to be a doctor or I want a boat is more of just wishing than actually a goal. For example, stating I want to be a doctor by the time I’m 35, makes it measurable. Add durations of time to the goal to show when the goal should be completed by.
Specific– Being specific goes along with being measurable. Make sure that the goals are as detailed as possible and that you write them as if you have already achieved them. For example, instead of “I want to lose weight” saying “I’m 10 pounds lighter by exercising 30 minutes a day for 60 days.”
Steps to accomplish them– Help kids to understand the little steps that they need to take to accomplish their goals. Teach them that it’s doing the little things that will lead up to finishing the big thing.
Persistence– Discuss with kids that their will be challenges along the way or they may not see what they want happen instantly, but that if they continue working hard they will eventually be successful.
Encourage them– Be the one that is a positive support and motivator for your kids with their goals. Praise them for the little accomplishments.

Family buy in-Set goals together as a family, so that you all have different things that you are working towards and can cheer each other on. We have New Year’s for resolutions, but you could do a New Month resolution at the beginning of the month with your kids or at the half year mark.
What are the benefits of getting our kids to set goals?
When we get our kids engaged in setting goals for themselves, goals will help your kids to flourish throughout their lives. Here are some of the long term benefits:

  • Creativity-They identify different ways to solve a problem or get to where they want to be.
  • Visualization– When they identify goals they are seeing what they want to become.
  • Dream– Kids will have hope that they can attain the things that they visualize.
  • Driven– Goals will help kids to stay on a path that will keep them focused on positive things.
  • Learn– As children stumble with a goal, they will be able to learn from mistakes and how to overcome obstacles.
  • Self-Esteem– A sense of joy will come when kids complete what they set out to do, which will help them feel good about themselves.

What if our kids don’t accomplish their goals?
It can be frustrating for anyone to get excited about a goal, only to find that you were unable to obtain it. This is a great opportunity to teach your kids about failure, that you only fail if you quit. It may have been that the goals were just a little too big for the moment, and just scaling it back a little bit will make all the difference.

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Here are some great free Apps for goal setting to check out:

  1. Piggybank– This app helps with creating a chore chart and establishing a dollar amount for each chore. It’ll notify everyone when a chore is complete and help kids understand finance.
  2. Choremonster– Another chore chart app, but geared more towards younger children. This app focuses more on completing chores to get rewards, then the money side of things.
  3. Mint– This app helps kids learn more about financial goals and savings. It has various charts to help kids learn about budgeting.
  4. Goal Tracker and Habit list– This incorporates daily check offs when something is completed to help them see the progress they are making towards whatever goal they set.
  5. P2K Money– Another app to check out to help your kids with financial goals.

Please comment below the ways you utilize goal setting with your kids or anything you enjoyed from this post.

photo credit: marcoverch <a href=”“>Ein Plan ein Ziel zu erreichen</a> via <a href=”“>photopin</a> <a href=”“>(license)</a>


  1. Twinkle

    Your post is apt. we need to teach kids to set goals . Initially with small targets cause they are achived in short span of time. I follow this strategy while makingmy daughter do her homework.

  2. Rakhi Parsai

    Parents and home is the first place that kids learn all the valuable lessons in life. And I totally agree that having them set goals related to life from an early age is the best way to make them disciplined and focused individuals in the future. Be it short term or long term goals they need to be set at an early age. Quite a useful post for all the parents.

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