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Simple Ways to Cope Now for Youth Wellness (laugh)

Did you know that there are clubs designed for people to get together and just laugh? It amazes me how, as adults, we become hardened to the simple things that brought laughter into our lives as children, to the point where we have to schedule time to laugh or buy laughter. Hearing our kids laugh is one of the greatest things in the world and I hope that we invite more of it into our homes.

Why is laughter important for kids?

Studies have shown that laughter helps our physiological makeup in many ways. When we laugh it helps us to take oxygen into our body and increase circulation. We all know about those endorphins that are produced by laughter that are natural mood enhancers and stress relievers.

  • Increase Endorphins
  • Help reduce physical pain
  • Distract from mental stress
  • Gets the blood pumping
  • Creates an energy boost
  • Elevate moods

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What does laughter do for a child’s environment?

Kids are trying to learn and navigate the world around them. It is critical for children to feel safe in their surroundings to help with development and building self-esteem. Laughter ensures that kids are feeling safety in their environment, so they can continue to explore, and grow.

What does laughing do for our relationship with our children?
Laughing with our kids will help us build a connection with our kids. When we laugh together our kids feel safe and loved. Mom and Dad are rule enforcers a lot of the time, but it’s important to show your kids that you can let your guard down and have fun with them. When parents laugh with their kids, there are modeling positive social skills.

How to get your kids to laugh?
Try these 11 ideas:

Fake Laugh– You know that term fake it to make it, well try it with laughing. I’ll sit with my kids and just start roaring with outlandish laughter noises. The kids will start trying to mimic my laugh until we are all truly laughing with each other.

Tickle them– Kids need physical touch and what better way to do that then sneaking up on them for a good minute of tickle time.

Make crazy faces– Kids love to laugh when you make faces at them by sticking your tongue out or making crazy expressions.

Make weird sounds– Kids find it hilarious when you make strange sound effects. It’s always fun to turn things into a game like, see who can make the best animal noises. Older cartoons were built on sounds to make kids laugh.

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Talk in a character voice-That’s right, use that high pitch squealy voice or talk like Santa Clause.

Tell a joke– Everyone likes a good joke. Children seemed to be fascinated with knock knock jokes or the type of jokes that can be found on laffy taffy wrappers. Keep jokes simple and something they will understand the punchline. They will love re-telling the joke with others to share the laughter.

Dance Party– This is a great way to make your kids laugh. Bust out your craziest dance moves, think Napolean Dynamite, and it’ll surely get your kids laughing.

Dress up– Find some outrageous clothes and accessories around the house and show them off or Let them dress you up.

Games– Little games that you play with your kids like Thumb wrestling, letting them ride on your back or fly them around the room can increase laughter.

Sing a song with your own words– I have a habit of singing songs, but forgetting half the words to the songs, so I improvise. My kids get a kick out of hearing me create silly song lyrics, which I also tend to incorporate them into the song.

Slap Stick Comedy– This is basically what many comedians have based their entire career on, just making outlandish mistakes. Through doing silly things and laughing it shows that we don’t have to take ourselves so seriously when we make mistakes.

Kids will still need to have some boundaries with laughter. Help your kids to understand when humor isn’t appropriate, like laughing when someone gets hurt or when jokes are directed at someone, which could be hurtful to that person. Remember to be a role model. As you continue to help create more moments of laughter with your kids, they’ll continue to live life well.

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