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Simple Ways to Cope for Youth Wellness (gardening)

gardening helps with coping

As I kid, I remember how I loved to climb the mulberry tree, and feast on the juicy plump blackberries dangling all over the tree.

Growing up in Northern Michigan, it seemed like there was always a cherry tree or blackberry bush around that we could find to get in to.

I always had a dream of having my own fruit tree, so naturally when I purchased my first house in Arizona, I planted an Orange tree.

Planting that first orange tree eventually lead to a major obsession with gardening, which I now have several raised beds, tropical fruit trees, citrus, and stone fruit trees all growing in the desert.

Starting a garden can be as simple as getting a bucket, drilling some holes in it, filling with garden soil, planting some seeds, and fertilizing.

There are tons of creative ways to garden that can be as cheap or expensive as you want it to be.

You don’t need a huge plot of land to garden; it could be as simple as being on a patio.

Gardening has been a major coping skill in my life that I know can benefit both young and old.

In my Wellness and Optimal experience post I discuss more of why various coping skills can help us feel more fulfilled.

Reasons why I garden:

1. Peace-Spending time in nature tends to take you away from the hustle and bustle of life.  It allows you the time to catch your breath and self-reflect.  Admiring the beauty of nature allows you to appreciate the simpler things in life.

2. Work– Gardening can be hard work.  There are weeds to pull, soil to till, watering to be done, pruning maintenance, and consistently feeding the plants.  Work helps to bring out a sense of purpose.  The physical work that can come with gardening can help boost those endorphins.

3. Accomplishment– I grow mostly edible plants.  Edible plants come with the payoff of producing things that you can eat.  After all your time and hard work you are rewarded with tasty fruits and vegetables.

4. Fun- Gardening has given me a hobby to explore.  I enjoy learning about the various plants and how I can make my garden thrive.

5. Teacher–  You can learn so much about life through gardening.  It doesn’t always happen that you have instant success from gardening, maybe bugs attack your plant or you planted at the wrong time.  This teaches you how you can learn from failure and correct your mistakes to be stronger next time.  There are so many parables with gardening.
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Comment down below and check out my blog series on simple ways to cope.

Simple ways to cope now for youth wellness (laugh)

Simple ways to cope now for youth wellness (reading)

Simple ways to cope for youth wellness (pets)

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